Living in the present moment

The power on now
Source Unknown

You know when you’re facing a tough day or a week, it’s very important to focus on the NOW moment.

ou know when you’re facing a tough day or a week, it’s very important to focus on the NOW moment.

You can do this by not dreading the future or regretting the past.
Realise that the present moment is all you have and consciously make NOW your primary focus.

This is basically you realising that it really doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or what the future holds. All that matters is now.
Our brains are future-oriented and this tends to make our stress levels to always be sky high. And if you look at it, the majority of our worries dealing with the issues of the future, what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.

Have you ever realised that most of the things we worry about have no immediate solution?

So next time worry and anxiety knocks on your door, ask yourself these questions;
By worrying Now, how is that going to change anything?
You don’t have to figure out the future right now, and most importantly you don’t have to live in the past.

So, make it a habit of taking time to pause and reflect on your life and that will help you appreciative and grateful for little moments.

Celebrate your strengths. Appreciate how far you’ve come, and the beauty of your cars.

My journey with depression and anxiety

Lighthouse Support Group Founder, Dikeledi Tolo

Today I would like to talk about why I have decided to bare it all and share my story with possibly the whole world. This has also been the inspiration behind my new non-profit organisation, Lighthouse Support Group.

I have always found it very difficult to talk about my depression journey. But until recently I have found healing and strength every time I share my story with others. By sharing my suicide survival stories, the darkness, loneliness and sadness side of depression, I am making it known that I am stronger than depression.

One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you are going through now and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide

I believe I did not go through what I did to just move on from all of it. I also believe that by being vocal with my mental health struggle I can help remove the stigma attached to it. I have confidence that I can inspire others who are going through the same.

I want everyone struggling out there to know that depression and other mental disorders are not the roads.

As we engage others in discussions about mental health issues, we can teach them through our experiences and help eradicate misconceptions they may have about depression and suicide. I still remember how alone I felt during my worst depression episode. I had no idea that there were hundreds of other people going through the same out there.

Sending positive vibes

Ways to manage anxiety

Modderfontein Nature Reserve 24/09/2018 at 06:45am

Most of us suffer from anxiety and it holds us back from living life: working, studying, traveling, starting relationships, making friends, getting out of the house, having a peace of mind. If so, you may not know where to start but here’s a help. The following is a list of small but significant changes you can start doing today to help you manage anxiety. Change happens because of an accumulation of small victories, not a single action. Best wishes on your journey.

  1. Be grateful Make a list of three things that you are grateful for, especially things you take such as having a job, a supportive family, excellent health, having food and shelter. When we concentrate on our blessings we tend to be happier and grateful rather than unhappy and stuck on our failures. Start each day with a grateful heart.
  2. Take a walk Any kind of exercise burns off stress, lifts the mood and helps you deal with anxiety and panic.
  3. Distract Yourself If you find yourself analyzing how you feel or worrying whether you’ll have another panic attack, take your mind off it by doing something else. Try listening to your favorite music, watch a movie, read, talk to a friend, etc.
  4. Talk to a friend I am a firm believer that talking to someone about your feelings can help shed off some of your burdens. Whether it’s a friend or a trusted family member, it can help you unburden your dark thoughts. When you are going through a challenging situation, it seems like the challenge is way too big and the situation is hopeless because you are in the midst of it.
  5. Get a journal Sometimes we don’t want to talk to other people about our feelings because of fear of being judged. So get yourself a journal and pour your heart out whenever your thoughts get too much.
  6. Remember your fears are just that, fears Panic can make you feel helpless and vulnerable. Try not to buy into the negative cascade of thoughts. See them for what they are, just fears and nothing more. They are NOT your reality.
  7. Do something kind for someone Just by being nice to others can lift your mood. Simple acts like giving a stranger or anyone for that matter a compliment, help someone in need, do all these things without expecting something in return
  8. Listen to nature I took the above picture on one of my hiking trips recently. Listening to nature reminds me that God is in control. That like the birds in the sky, we do not need to worry about anything. Pause and listen. Appreciate and marvel at what is around you.
  9. Speak to a professional Seek professional help if your anxiety is not getting any better. Therapy can give you new insights and the encouragement you might be lacking.
  10. Think of something positive about yourself It could be your smile, your kindness or your lovely personality. Concentrate on your positives!
  11. Always Remember You are ENOUGH, you are AMAZING, you are WORTHY and LOVED. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.